Ten Ways to Deal With a Lack of Motivation in Your Career

Being in a career with a lack of motivation is a good way to become stagnant and find yourself in the same place for a long period of time. A lack of motivation can lead to a lack of upward momentum and some people even experience depression. Most people have at least one point in Read more »

A Different Look: Private Sector vs Federal Job Resumes

Knowing the Difference Can Get You Hired!  A resume for one industry is not the same as a resume for another industry. With that in mind, different sectors also have different resumes. Federal jobs use a different style of resume than private-sector jobs. Why do you need to know the difference? In order to be Read more »

How to Get More Federal Job Referrals by Using the C.A.R. Resumes

KNOWING THIS INFORMATION CAN GET YOU HIRED! Writing the perfect resume can be challenging, but putting your experience into a Federal Resume C.A.R. format can make it even more so. C.A.R. (Challenge, Action, and Results) is an essential need for any Federal H.R. Specialist to assess your abilities and skills. This is vital when it Read more »

How To Navigate The Federal Hiring Process

HOW TO NAVIGATE THE FEDERAL HIRING PROCESS     Many people want to find federal jobs not for the pay but for the benefits and the job security. As most of us know though, the government is a massive machine that can be complex, and doing anything takes time. What you also probably know about Read more »

Federal Employment opportunities in 2022

Federal Employment opportunities in 2022 2020 was a very interesting year with the virus, protests, and much more. Many people lost their jobs and with the coming of 2022 even more people will be looking for a federal job. Federal jobs come with a lot of benefits and with a good pay level. Not to Read more »